Wednesday, August 4, 2010


"Your safety is Our Concern"

it is a very beautiful safety message. Good to read, pleasant to listen but how far is traffic police successful in achieving this Message or Motto.

Are the pedestrians safe?
Are the motorists safe?
Are the streets safe?
Are the National highway safe?
Are traffic police personnel professional enough to handle any violations?



  1. Perhaps the reason that we are not safe on the roads is because most drivers do not know how to drive. We all believe that we own the road, it is always our right of way and we are never at fault. The bigger the car the worse the driver!

  2. But whom do you think must ensure to enforce the regulations?????

  3. Obviously RSTA. If they are the "ROAD SAFTY & TRANSPORT AUTHORITY", isn’t it logical that they are responsible. They are the idiots who issue driving licenses, and decide which cars are road worthy.(and which roads suddenly become one ways)

  4. The men and women of the traffic dept of the RBP are doing a commendable job and their incessant efforts in managing a smooth and a safe traffic in and around the country is highly appreciated. However, I that still think the road users i.e the motorists and pedestrians are still not safe at all. why i'd like to think so is that we are still too casual and ignorant of the safety precautions, generally. for example, talking on mobiles while driving, vehicles parked haywire in no parking zones and on pavements. irresponsible pedestrians who rather walk on the roads and not use the convenient pavements, etc.
    in my opinion if it can be inculcated and drilled into the masses minds that traffic safety is not the sole responsibility of the Traffic Dept of RBP or the RSTA but the general public as a whole. follow simple but crucial traffic rules and immaculately follow proper traffic etiquette then i'm sure we could all see a change. after all just how much traffic cops would be required to monitor the vast areas?

  5. Even there is a need to create awareness to the general public on the use of Zebra Crossings.

  6. create awareness????? How????

    Suggest Effective methods, both short and long-term. Police need Your Suggestions and Comments

  7. 1. create awareness by continuous media coverage. media could play a very active part in creating public awareness.

    2. introduce traffic safety curriculum in schools and every institutions.

    3. frequent campaigns on traffic safety in public places during weekends. but for that the concerned authorities would have to sacrifice their weekends which i'm doubtful whether or not they are willing.

    4. zero tolerance to traffic rule violators and the heavy fine in terms of corrective measures should be levied on them.

    5. RSTA should carry out a through safety awareness training during before issuing licenses.

    these are just few of the many points i can think of.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dear Captain,
      A very good initiative, I would like to offer you my Tashi Delek. I think things are changing with our young and forward looking officers in the police force. It is time we work together to make our cities an organised one. There are lots we can do. I often feel that there are simpler solutions. Only we had a will.
      Let me start with what are missing and what could be done.
      It could start with warnings and traffic signs- to reduce bad road manners and induce good traffic rules consciousness. I noticed signs sponsored by, I am sure there are lot of other businesses who would want to help out traffic police for such measures. We have noticed effort made by the police, but the motorists often do not pay heed to it. For instance, No-Parking signs are often neglected. I am glad to see that has not discouraged young officer to take initiative. I hope to give you more Josh and “Input” to move you further. I Hope. I pray and I Wish.
      If there were a Sign board in the Round-about saying “GIVE WAY TO RIGHT”, I feel that it would reduce confusions during the rush hour. Moreover, it would be a lasting traffic rule reminder for motorists. Round-about is bit too confusing at the moment, Motorists are left guessing where should one wait to give way to a car which is in the round about or coming from the right. It is more chaotic when there are two lanes joining one-lane round about. Proper lines are missing in the Round-about. Zebra crossing is another important aspect which is missing in most round-about. I feel there is an alternative solution. It would be interesting to think about it.
      We could have arrows painted on the road indicating direction of road to be taken and how about bold lines where the motorists are not supposed to cross the lane. Cones are colourful, but I feel sorry for your policemen. They should not be carrying that with their dress on.
      Let’s talk about T-Junction. We should have Stop signs in a Board and painted on the road too. Again bold line for the motorist to wait and see the main road is safe to enter. The roads entering and exiting the express way are abrupt. In a country with an organised roads and traffic, I have noticed adjacent road extension for a few meters for the motorist to safely merge and exit from the main highway. We could think about it too.
      We have too many surprises on the road. Bumps or Humps should be marked with white paints and cautionary signs few minutes before them would be a great help to the motorists. Taxis are other. They stop without warnings. We should have identified area for taxi stops. No Hitch Hiking. Passengers should wait in such stops to hire a taxi.
      What about Cyclist, in some area we have enough space to give them a separate lane. Now that Traffic Police are on bicycle, they should not be riding in the middle of the road. We cannot blame the Pedestrians most of the time because foot paths are either missing or bad to take it. If we could take care of them all, we would be a step ahead.
      There is much, much, more. Let this be the beginning. It could start with putting a traffic signs in place or you could start within traffic police division. Please do not entertain traffic violators, be it be a friend, family or a stranger. For I was told once, faith is flown like a feather.

  9. Our uniformed citizens who go out every morning till evening in order to make our life safer for us need more support. Their voices need to be heard and sometime all they hear is marching order. They need better facilities and better equipments at office. Their needs and suggestions should count. They are not drones they are guardians of the nation. Equip them with well and with better service conditions, they will perform better.

  10. Thank you AMNW and KT. This is what i expect from you guys........Change. i shall share these observation and convey your views to Traffic Police.

    thank you, regards


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