Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Zero Tolerance Day - Traffic, RBP

Every Friday of a week will be observed as 'Zero Tolerance Day' Nation wide by Traffic Police.

The Motor vehicle traffic accident alarmingly shoots up on Friday. The Traffic Police after careful analysis, are certain that on Friday; the road users increase manifold, partygoers & hoppers, weekend shopping, short distance travels, drink driving and many more.
The road traffic accident is directly proportionate to density of vehicular movement, more vehicular movement;more accident. Therefore, traffic accident is more on Friday.

To prevent road traffic accidents, traffic police has declared Friday as Zero Tolerance Day, whereby, if anybody is found committing simplest of traffic violation shall be penalized without any excuse.

Therefore, all the road users are requested to be extra cautious and street smart on Friday - Zero Tolerance Day.

Drive Safe, Stay Safe, Keep Safe.

Why this blog?

Police is a Service: oriented towards improving the social welfare, safety and security of the people living in a society. Police as a separate entity cannot take the sole responsibility to fight crime. Police needs public support in all the endeavours.

This blog has been created to receive feedbacks especially from anonymous writers who feel the need to improve the system in police. i would like to be clear with all the writers/followers that this is not an official blog but a blog created by myself as a concerned citizen and not as a police officer. i would be grateful if the writers/followers could be genuine in their comments/posts, and not misuse this blog.

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